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SNG Grant Thornton introduces SHEroes Beyond Internal Audit: Our Women in Internal Audit Network

SNG Grant Thornton is proud to announce the launch of a new network specifically designed for women in the field of internal audit. This network aims to provide a platform for women to connect, collaborate, and support each other in their professional development and advancement.

By bringing together women from diverse industries, experiences and backgrounds, the Network will facilitate mentorship and professional development opportunities that can help women succeed in their roles.
Beyond the individual benefits to women, SHEroes Beyond Internal Audit can also benefit the broader internal audit function by promoting gender diversity and inclusivity. This can help attract and retain talented women within the discipline thereby enhancing the team’s collective proficiency and organisational success.

We are calling on all women and men in the internal audit profession to join and participate in our SHEroes Beyond Internal Audit Network. Membership is free. Our launch event will be on the 26th of April 2024. Be on the lookout for the invite and follow us on our LinkedIn Page 

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