South Africa's transfer pricing (TP) regulations, aligned with the OECD Guidelines, apply to local and foreign companies engaging in cross-border related party transaction.

South Africa's transfer pricing regulations, aligned with the OECD Guidelines, continue to evolve, now encompassing a broader spectrum of transactions and entities, enriching the storyline with complexity and depth. Mandatory documentation, like the master and local files, unveils the inner workings of significant transactions, adding an element of intrigue to the narrative. The accompanying potential risk factors and penalties elevate the stakes, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats.

South Africa's adherence to the OECD Guidelines, coupled with its plans for an Advance Pricing Agreement program, promises a future rich in global intrigue and certainty in tax compliance. In conclusion, South Africa's transfer pricing saga continues to unfold, with each plot twist underscoring the country's commitment to promoting fairness and transparency in cross-border transactions and tax compliance.  

For a detailed overview of the transfer pricing landscape in the region and other African countries and detailed insights, download the full Grant Thornton Africa Transfer Pricing Landscape Guide 2023/2024.